Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter 9: Survival of the Media Fit

What were the years before T.V. Like for radio? What types of content was provided? 

Radio was the new thing but it did not catch on very quickly mainly cause what was being broadcasted was not that good and because people are usually reluctant with things they do not know. allot of the content would be advertisements,news, jazz and short stories. The radio really picked up when rock n roll came into being and eventually merged into the radio that we have today. advertisement was the main kick off for radio cause it supplied the fundings to do high quality radio shows which in return gave money to the people wanting to sell their product which makes it a win/win situation.
Explain the economic impact of T.V. On radio. 
Most would assumed that the radio would be obsolete  due to the tv. But in-fact the radio stayed alive and outdid the tv for some time. Levinson said that you can shut your eyes when you want but you cant close your ears giving the radio an advantage to our circuitry.
What is the economic model for both radio and T.V.? 
Both radio and Television are funded through advertising major networks provide national advertising and send it out to local affiliates who have local advertising as well.In the brief description of film history, Levinson discusses the work of D.W. Griffith, Sergi Eisenstein, and Lev Kuleshov. 
What methods did they use to help develop a visual vocabulary for film?
By developing a new film where you can stitch video clips togather allowing you to edit the film. Ther all messed around with film editing and invoking human emotions from the use of film and narrative.Technology alone was not the sole savior of radio. Explain the roll of Rock and Roll in radio's transformation. It gave rise to record companies and brought more money which in return brought more viewers/listeners to the radio. It bacame a win/win situation for record companies and artist.Rock n roll was extremely important to the radio cause it got the next generation into the radio and was the first music that was recorded in a way that sounded just a good if not better than the live performances which allowed more radio stations to play rock n roll music cause it sounded just as good in lets say georgia as it did in california.
“Talkies”, replaced silent films entirely, but T.V. Did not replace radio, why? 
Tv did not replace the radio because you cant exactly tune out noise completely but you can close your eyes from viewing the tv. The radio became more portable over the years and the quality was getting better as well.
Chapter 10: Remedial Media
In your own words describe Levinson's parable of the window shade as remedial media. 
People needed a place to escape the elements so they built shelter and walls.
A completely walled off area is dark and lacks fresh air. There needs to be a way to get light and fresh air into the shelter. So they put wholes in the wall.
Wholes in the wall are nice but they still let some of the elements in and the trade off isn't always good. So eventually someone invented glass windows. 

You can see out side and light gets in. But people can also see into the dwelling.To solve the problem of people seeing into the dwelling and sometimes unwanted light window shades are invented. Now people have the option to open the shade and let light in or close the shade and keep light out.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the VCR as a remedial medium. 

It allows the viewers not to have to go to the movie theatre. They can watch and record shows at anytime of their choosing. It also aloud people to order slash pick up movies for rent/own instead of going to the movie theaters.
Some of the disadvantages are it can take up a ton of space when comparing it to todays technology and the quality of the film. It enables broadcasting companies to keep track of who’s watching their shows or if they are even recording it which weekend its standings with advertisers.

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