Monday, October 24, 2011

Electricity ch7-8

Electricity has been overlooked by most but only because it is the grandfather technology of most of the technology that we have today. The enviroment in which we live in today is molded by electricity on a daily basis with electric bulbs,mass media, cell phones, computers, architecture, medicine etc.... Electricity may have been harnessed by humans but it is electricity that has molded us with its power and abundant uses for us humans.
We now are living in the age of the computer a predecessor technology of electricity and it too is/will change our world and the human species forever. I try and keep up with the most recent and latest technology breakthroughs and it is mind boggling what we as a species have done and accomplished in such short period of time. I read about technologies that i imagined as impossible when i was younger that are now within our grasps on a weekly basis. some of these technologies include the ability to bend light making objects appear invisible. I never imagined that invisibility would be possible and certainly not in my life time and we are now able to make small objects invisible to visible light. Wireless technology is something that americans/humans have been dreaming about for years and it is only now that is is starting to show some light. I can't wait till it comes to the consumers market and the technology that will follow behinds its foot steps. It seems that each new technology you lift up there are several smaller emerging technologies on the rise from the current technology that gave rise to them.

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